Interchangeability of player movement variables from different athlete tracking systems in professional soccer.
Ellens S, Hodges D, McCullagh S, Malone JJ, Varley MC.
Sci Med Footb. 2022 Feb;6(1):1-6. doi: 10.1080/24733938.2021.1879393. Epub 2021 Feb 19.
This study assessed the interchangeability between 10-Hz multi-GNSS GPS devices (Vector®) and two optical tracking systems (TRACAB® and Second Spectrum®) in 30 players competing in the English Premier League across five matches.
Equations were formed to allow interchangeability between systems. Although with very strong positive correlations (r > 0.72), small to huge differences were found between systems for most player movement variables. Data of optical tracking systems had decreased values in speed variables >19.8 km·h-1 when processed through GPS software.
Progression to the target vs. regular rules in Soccer small-sided Games.
Praça GM, Andrade AGP, Bredt SDGT, Moura FA, Moreira PED.
Sci Med Footb. 2022 Feb;6(1):66-71. doi: 10.1080/24733938.2020.1869811. Epub 2021 Jan 3.
This study compared the responses of 20 U-20 soccer athletes in small-sided games (SSG) in two experimental conditions: progression to the target rule (PG), in which they should take the ball to the opponent’s endline to score points, and SSG with regular rules (RG), in which they should score goals to win the game. The RG condition demanded more spatial exploration eliciting greater occupation of the pitch width, while the PG rule increased the distances covered at the highest speed and acceleration zones.
Evaluation of the plantaris tendon: cadaver anatomy study with ultrasonographic and clinical correlation with tennis leg injury in 759 calves.
Meyer P, Pesquer L, Boudahmane S, Poussange N, Demondion X, Dallaudière B.
Skeletal Radiol. 2022 Feb 28. doi: 10.1007/s00256-022-04019-3
This study on six cadavers found that traction on the plantaris muscle tendon showed its “limited” mobility due to the connective tissue adherence with no apparent gliding at the level of the distal inter-aponeurotic region between soleus and medial gastrocnemius, which can be a factor for “tennis leg” injuries.
Impact of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury on European Professional Soccer Players.
Mazza D, Viglietta E, Monaco E, Iorio R, Marzilli F, Princi G, Massafra C, Ferretti A.
Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 Feb 22;10(2):23259671221076865. doi: 10.1177/23259671221076865. eCollection 2022 Feb.
This epidemiology study included professional soccer players in the top 8 European Soccer leagues who sustained an ACL injury during seasons 2014 to 2017 according to data from publicly available online sources. 195 players sustained an ACL injury, for a mean annual ACL injury incidence of 1.42%. The RTP rate was 95%, with a mean RTP time of 248 ± 136 days. However, within the third postoperative season, 66 players (36%) competed in a lower level national league, and 25 (13.6%) ended their careers; a significant reduction in the mean minutes played per season was found in all 3 postoperative seasons. Player age, but not affected side, position, league, or time to RTP correlated significantly with reduction in performance or recovery from an ACL injury.
Hamstring Strain Injury Rehabilitation.
Hickey JT, Opar DA, Weiss LJ, Heiderscheit BC.
5.J Athl Train. 2022 Feb 1;57(2):125-135. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0707.20.
Hamstring strain injuries return to sport is typically achieved within weeks of the injury; however, subsequent athlete performance may be impaired, and reinjury rates are high. This narrative review discusses current clinical concepts related to these aspects of rehabilitation for hamstring strain injury, with the aim of helping practitioners improve athletes’ outcomes.
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